Monday, February 13, 2012

It's time.

This post will be short and sweet.  I just need to put this in writing somewhere. 

2013 I will run a MARATHON.  Before I turn 40. 

It will most likely be the Portland Marathon, in October.  I'll be cutting it close with that whole birthday thing. ;-)  If anyone has any other suggestions for a first time marathon, I'm open to them!

No going back now... I want that medal! ;-)  More on this later...


  1. Wahooo! You go girl! I've never done the Portland Marathon but I hear good things...just pricey. Would be a good first one!

  2. I read that the Newport Marathon was also a great first Marathon - supposedly great weather, not too crowded, flat...

    So proud of you Cyndie!! I think 2014 will be my year...
