Monday, March 31, 2014

Guest Post (with Video!) on Another Mother Runner

I was blessed with the opportunity to kick off a new series of posts for SBS and Dimity of Another Mother Runner.  One of their sponsors, Trigger Point Therapy, is aiming to help injured Mother Runners around the country.  In short, they sent me their Ultimate 6 Kit for Runners and had one of their trainers Skype with me to explain the exercises.
The tools in the Ultimate 6 Kit for Runners

I committed to doing the exercises for a month, then filmed a short video of the exercises along with answering a few questions from Dimity and SBS.  I am now sending along the kit to the next injured mother runner in hopes that the Ultimate 6 Kit provides them some relief. 

Here is the post on AMR.

Here is just the video link on You Tube.

While I am not healed 100% (I have good days and really bad days), and have an additional diagnosis of Heel Bone Spurs in addition to the Plantar Faciitis (the two go hand in hand... or foot in foot in my case), I can say that the Ultimate 6 Kit DID in fact provide relief, and I really enjoyed using it. Jimmy Fallon's Tonight Show provided the much-needed comic relief and distraction during my sessions.

"Thank You" Jimmy Fallon... for getting me through my TP Therapy...
The point of the kit is to mimic deep-tissue massage.  While it can be hard to really dig in to your own muscles, using the tools in the Ultimate 6 Kit helps.  I'm sad to see the kit go, but am hopeful it will provide relief to the next Mother who receives it.   I am planning to get my own TP Therapy kit, so I can continue to heal.  I miss my girlfriends and the sound of my feet on the road.

THIS is what I'm trying to get back to...

If you are a Mother Runner with an injury, and would like to see if you can use the Ultimate 6 Kit, there is a link in the AMR post to email SBS and Dimity.